Why Continue This Exploration?

Continuing this exploration is more than a personal interest; it’s a commitment to being a part of the ever-evolving narrative of art history. Moreover, for me, engaging with this process keeps the conversation between the past, present, and future alive. It’s a way to honor the legacy of those artists who embraced technology in their time, while contributing to the ongoing dialogue about what art is and what it can be.

My dedication to visual art in the digital age is rooted in an interest in the evolving relationship between technology and art. Having witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of technological advancements on artistic expression, I am continually inspired to integrate these tools into my work.

From my early days of experimenting with digital graphics to the current era of AI and virtual reality, each technological milestone has offered a new lens through which to view and create images. This journey is about mastering new tools and understanding how these tools can enhance the storytelling and emotional impact of my work.

This is not just art for art’s sake, or even “personal expression”  I’m interested in making images that are thought provoking, provide the viewer a personal narrative or even offer some sort of human truth – challenging and humbling goals.

Tracing Artistic Evolution: From Camera Obscura to Artificial Intelligence

Art has always reflected the times. It serves as a mirror to society’s advancements, struggles, and transformations. Today, artists are invited to blend traditional techniques with the limitless possibilities of digital media, marking a new frontier in visual art characterized by unprecedented technological growth and connectivity.

Historically, artists have often integrated the latest technologies into their craft. One enduring example is Johannes Vermeer’s use of the camera obscura during the Dutch Golden Age. This device, by projecting images onto a surface, helped artists achieve more realistic depictions, advancing their understanding of light and perspective. The development of oil paints allowed for richer color palettes, while the emergence of the camera challenged artists to redefine their role in an age where realistic imagery could be mechanically reproduced.

Today, the digital era has ushered in a new spectrum of tools, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) being a notable example. (For further insights, refer to my post on AI-generated images.) Just as past innovations revolutionized artistic expression, today’s digital tools, particularly AI, are opening new horizons for creativity and interpretation in the digital age